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History of soccer Rules of soccer

History of Soccer


The history of soccer stems back to Ancient China,Greece,Roma where it started, where people would play using a ball but not using their hands.This is shown in Ancient Aztec culture where they would play a sport called Ullamaliztli where they would try to hit a ball throught a hoop without using their hands.But the real people who made soccer for what is know for today are the English(England).

They authorized laws and added more to the game to make it to what it is now,for example the penalty kick wasn't always the way it was.It started by having 5 seconds time limit to score and starting from the middle of the pitch.Sort of like ice hokeys penalty kicks where they have 5 seconds to score.Another example is the use of red and yellow cards which was introduced to the game during around the 1960s.

Map of Europe

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